Second I've been stockpiling some bunnies (still in progress) who will accompany us to the knitting and stitching show this weekend. We're doing book signings so please come and see us and say hello - it's at Alexandra Palace in London from the 7th to 10th Oct. I'll publish the signing times later in the week. We are V. excited!

I tried out a mini-bunny (below). He doesn't look it in the photo but he is very small and wee. I will give all the bunnies their smiles on the train each day this week. I feel it needs special attention as it's the process that wakes them up and brings them to life. When I was little I solidly believed all my toys were really alive and I still think these little guys have definite characters sewn into them. Their faces wake them up like Ted Hughes' poem 'Wodwo' (Go look that up - it's worth it).

And here's an extra happy making review from Lapdog creations who loves the book. Thank you lapdog. http://www.lapdogcreations.com/
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